El Camino de Santiago- What to Eat

Food was amazing all throughout the camino. If you have done the camino you would agree it is one of the best things about doing it. We always looked forward to meals everyday. There is a pilgrim menu which consisted of a primer plato (first plate) offering soups, salad, and depending in which region also spaghetti. Segundo plato (second plate) which was the main course and offered the main dishes from that area. All of them offered selections from steak, chicken, fish and vegetarian. This menu also came with bread, dessert, water, and a drink (bottle of wine for us!) all costing between 10-15 euros. It is amazing how inexpensive food is in the camino and the quality you get can’t get any better!! Everything you eat is grown in that area. The wine you drink is literally from the wineries you just walk through and gets sent all over Spain. Since it changes from region to region as you walk you are exposed to all of it. Dessert was also a treat, it was so good!! There were times where our only option was whatever was available that day if we were at a small town or village and it was just as delicious. We experienced the pintxos and tapas cultures at their very best. We ate at the local restaurants to get into the culture and try the different dishes and because it was part of our budget, however, if you prefer to go to the local supermarket and cook your own meals that is also an option. In most albergues there is a kitchen open to pilgrims. I remember the Koreans would always make a feast drinking wine while cooking as a group and they were always about 10 of them! As you can see, there is no need to worry about food during el camino, there are plenty of options and you will not be disappointed. This is also true when you are walking during the day, you will find food between towns and fruits and snacks in the middle of a forest at a very fair price.